It takes time and resources to create awesome content that adds value to your audience. Duh, everyone knows that.
So it makes sense to work to get the maximum return on that investment by promoting your content and working to get it out to the people who would be interested.
Unfortunately, a small percentage of businesses actually take the time to thoughtfully promote their content. Instead, they choose to share it once on Facebook and LinkedIn, schedule out a couple random tweets, shoot off one email blast, and call it good enough.
Well, it’s not good enough.
In-depth Content Promotion Guide
Neil Patel, one of the founders of QuickSprout, put together an incredible resource called The Advanced Content Marketing Guide. Chapter 9 covers promoting your content to increase traffic, engagement, and sales.
Here’s a quick rundown of Neil’s basic points:
- The Day Content Goes Live – Neil recommends emailing your list to let them know about the new content you’ve just released, and make sure it’s a personal email because they get higher engagement. Tweet about it 3-4 times, post it on Google+ (especially for the SERP value), and post on Facebook. Don’t be spammy!
- The Week Content Goes Live – Tweet about your content throughout the week, but include quotes, benefits, and comments and tweet at peak times. Share on LinkedIn via status updates and related groups. Share on other social sites, but make sure that you follow the accepted rules and don’t spam. Finally, make sure that you’re following up on the response of your audience – if they’ve shared via Facebook or Google+, reward them with a Like or +1; respond to retweets and mentions on Twitter with engaged, meaningful thanks.
- Ongoing Promotional Activities – Here’s where the guide goes into a ton of detail, describing promotional strategies like creating lists, commenting on related blogs, generating further social engagement, and more!
Don’t Miss A Step In the Content Marketing Cycle
Promotion is key to content’s success, but so is content creation and closing the loop with analysis. You need to be able to create great content, and analyze what content works well and what content needs to be repurposed or scratched altogether.
The Ultimate Guide to Epic Content for Boring Industries walks you through the process of killer content creation, content promotion, and content analysis to help you get the most bang for your buck. It’s free, so go ahead and download it and get started!