Few things are worse than writer’s block — especially when time is scarce. It’s important that a solid content marketing strategy is in place to ensure that quality content is produced on a regular basis, without having to deal with a hurdle like writer’s block.
Here are 5 blogging tips for business that will save you both time and money:
Identify your target keywords.
It’s important when blogging that a solid keyword strategy is both in place and in use. Start by identifying keywords that align with the problems and/or solutions that your audience may be searching for.
Write keyword-specific posts.
Once you have a solid list of keywords, you can then write specific posts about the problem or solution that those keywords address. For example, an identified keyword of “great pasta dishes” can easily become “10 Great Pasta Dishes that Will Rock Your World.”
Create Stellar Calls to Actions (CTA’s).
If you’re creating great content, people will almost always be enthusiastic about consuming more of your thought-provoking content. Therefore, it’s key that you create targeted call to actions on each and every blog post that allow users to learn more about your thought leading message, and help you to convert visitors into leads.
It’s easy to start slacking with blogging just because it’s hard, but it’s an important component of any online marketing strategy that produces creative, thought-leading content, and results in increased sales and leads across the board.