Purchasing managers are often the gatekeepers to a favorable sale for B2B industrial manufacturing companies.
They know the needs of their operation, search for the products or services to meet those needs, then get in touch to make a purchase.
But it can be tough to know how to stay top-of-mind with these individuals, especially when you throw the Internet into the equation. When working with industrial companies, we have found an exceptionally effective way to stay top of mind with purchasing officers and managers.
And it’s as simple as three steps.
Step 1. Offer content and information on your website in exchange for their information
Offer useful information and content pieces through your website that will be of value to the purchasing manager, then ask them for some information in return.
On average, 57% of the B2B buying process takes place online before your sales team gets a call, so chances are that they won’t want to call right away for answers to their questions. That being said, most qualified prospects don’t mind sharing some information about themselves through a web form.
Placing content offers behind forms is one of the best ways to generate leads through your website, and it has been shown to cut the average cost-per-lead by 61%.
Be sure to ask for qualifying information to determine whether they are a purchasing manager, engineer, maintenance manager, or some other target persona that you have identified.
Naturally, once they fill out a form, you should call them to see what they were looking for help with, and offer yourself as a resource.
Step 2. Watch for them to come back to your site
Several software products similar to HubSpot allow you to receive notifications when a lead (someone who has filled out a form) returns to your website.
Keep an eye out for purchasing managers re-visiting your site to look at additional content. Even if they aren’t filling out another form, this is a great opportunity to call and re-engage them, build some rapport, and offer your time for assistance with future research and orders.
Step 3. Continue to send them targeted, product/application-specific content on a regular basis
Don’t make the mistake of seeing these individuals simply as leads in a static database, but work to build a relationship and trusted advisor status with them.
Send them emails every couple of weeks that specifically target the things in which they have already expressed interest. When looking at frequency, it can be helpful to think about their purchasing cycles and when they may be looking to buy again.
Ultimately, It’s all about collecting data in a smart way and utilizing it to build authentic relationships.
Do you have a specific way that you stay top of mind with purchasing managers? Drop a comment below and share your method.