If you want to create good list of inbound marketing content ideas, you need to think about your reader. As a marketer, you do this by creating buyer personas.
To make use of this post, it will be helpful to have buyer personas already in place. To learn more about creating buyer personas, check out these resources:
- Buyer Personas: The Key First Step in Putting Your Customer First
- A Business Owner’s Guide to Aligning Sales & Marketing with Buyer Personas
- Take Control Of Your Sales Process By Developing Buyer Personas
Planning content for your company blog becomes 10,000 times easier when you put yourself in your persona’s shoes.
The exercise is simple. Think about a question your persona is asking as it relates to your solution. The question will have nothing to due with your product or service, but more broadly on the pain the persona is experiencing. At this stage, your persona may not even be able to articulate the solution they’re looking for. They only understand the pain they’re feeling. These pains lead to questions and those questions should lead them to your blog.
For each question that your persona asks, use your industry experience and expertise to write a response. These responses should be vender-neutral, don’t mention your brand as the solution to all of their problems. This is always harder for business owners, but it is really important factor in connecting with today’s B2B buyer.
Outline 10-12 questions and responses for each of your buyer personas. If you have three buyer personas you will have at the least 36 topics for your blog and other content offers. This type of content is truly epic because it focuses on the reader and their problems. It is helpful to them.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to create helpful content for your buyer personas, check out the The Ultimate Guide to Epic Content for Boring Industries. This free eBook is packed to full of helpful tips and tricks to help you create truly epic content regardless of your industry.