Does this ever happen to you? You call a business, talk to a friendly associate on the phone, then drive to the store and wind up interacting with somebody who acts like they’d rather do anything other than have to help you.
If not, how about this – have you ever seen a piece of marketing that promised a certain price, product, or experience that appealed to you, but when learned more or tried to buy it, everything changed and became way more complicated?
A jarring experience during the sales process is one of the most common causes for lost sales.
Achieve Higher Close Rates With A Unified Inbound Experience
To avoid losing sales because of disconnects between marketing and sales, or between different stages of your sales process, you need to commit to creating a unified experience for your prospects.
Recognizing the need for a unified experience is the first step, but how do you actually connect everything?
Focus on your target audience
Every aspect of your customer interface should be focused around their persona and their needs. Define who your ideal customer is, understand their pain points, and orient every activity around that persona – that means every aspect of your marketing, sales, on-boarding, and client delivery.
One great resource for developing your personas is this post – Take Control Of Your Sales Process By Developing Buyer Personas
Get everyone on the same page
You’ve developed these buyer personas, but they are meaningless unless your entire team buys in and commits to shaping the experience around your personas’ needs. These personas should be crafted as a story that includes personal details about the who, what, why, when, where, and how of your target audience. Every member of your staff should be able to identify your personas and give details on what makes them unique and how your organization is uniquely qualified to solve their problems.
Developing personas, getting everyone on the same page, and committing to the unified inbound experience for you target market is critical to boosting your sales team’s close rate. This commitment has helped companies like Weed Pro improve their sales performance and grow revenue by 230%.
If you’d like to learn more about closing sales effectively, check out this free download that includes insider secrets from 8 companies who are selling like crazy – believe me, it’s worth your time!